CodeCademy has learning paths done for you. You can be a complete beginner and they provide curriculum, a learning path, and a community support system. This is a good option for busy people who are short on time.

CodeCademy have 50% off coupons every 1 - 2 months posted at the top of their website. So, it can be even more affordable. You can get started learning for free. Learning Paths and career serves provided in paid plans.

Work in progress

If you would like to build a path for yourself, I have made a template. It is highly flexible for designing a learning plan for yourself to suite your needs and goals.

  1. Duplicate this page
  2. Replace “Path Name Here” with the job title you want

This page is in progress. In the mean time, you can duplicate the path I have made Professional Development - Frontend Software Engineer Learning Plan and remove the information that doesn’t apply to your goals or use CodeCademy’s services to start on your plan today.